Sunday, December 1, 2013

Turning “Big Data” Into a Story

An interesting Harvard Business Review recently showcased the importance of storytelling in good data analytics. It is the data scientists job not just to sort through large amounts of data, but rather to make sense of the data and figure out the trends. These trends then form the basis of a broader story that can be turned into actionable insights for the leadership team. 

So, if you are sorting through a the web browsing data of a client, say in the online tablet retail business, you not only find out what products customers are most interested in, but use that data to forecast trends for the future. Additionally, when presenting the data to the client, it is important to not just dump the data with them, but show them how to make the best use of it. 

At Mazliah, we make this a strong focus of every project we get involved with, even if it is just a quick data pull. For larger, more strategic projects, we take the data points that we find through advanced analytic techniques, and turn that data into key takeaway points for the client.

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